Work Ethic 美國人的工作道德(Part 1 of 7)

Once upon a time, a little red hen found some grains of wheat. "Who will help me plant the wheat?" she asked her friends. "Not I," said the cat. "Not I," said the rat. "Not I," said the pig. "Then I'll do it myself," said the little red hen.

 Work Ethic 美國人的工作道德(Part 2 of 7)

Then it came time to harvest the wheat, grind the wheat into flour and make the bread. Still no one would help her. She had to do all the work by herself. But when it was time to eat the fresh-baked bread, everyone wanted to help. "No!" the little red hen exclaimed. "You didn't share in the work, so you can't share in the reward!"


⊙ Word Bank
  harvest (v)  收割
  grind (v)  磨碎(成粉)
 Work Ethic 美國人的工作道德(Part 3 of 7)

The story of the little red hen illustrates the American work ethic, or attitude toward work. Americans feel that everyone should pull his own weight. By working hard, they believe, people can succeed and achieve their goals. In the words of Thomas Edison, the famous inventor, "There is no substitute for hard work."


⊙ Word Bank
  pull one's own weight (v phr) 盡自己的本份
 Work Ethic 美國人的工作道德(Part 4 of 7)

The American work ethic comes from the days of the early settlers. Many of these settlers were Protestant Christians who believed that all of life, including work, was a service to God. According to the Bible, everyone has a responsibility from God to work hard. These settlers to the New World learned the value of hard work first-hand as they tamed the wilderness. They came to believe that diligence would lead to success and prosperity. This system of beliefs, known as the "Protestant work ethic," has greatly influenced American attitudes toward work.


⊙ Word Bank
  diligence (n)  勤勉
  prosperity (n)  成功;繁榮
Work Ethic 美國人的工作道德(Part 5 of 7)

Even today, many Americans place high value on their work. When people are introduced to each other, they commonly ask, "What do you do?" People often find self-respect and a sense of identity in their job. They feel frustrated if they're unemployed and can't "earn their keep." Moreover, many Americans look down on others who refuse to work and rely on the government to support them. People need a hand, not a handout, they say.


⊙ Word Bank
  identity (n)  自我的認同
  handout (n)  施捨的東西  
Work Ethic 美國人的工作道德(Part 6 of 7)

Of course, hard work can be taken to an extreme. People who have too many job demands can turn into workaholics. They neglect their personal life, their families and their health. Instead of just working a standard 8 to 5 schedule, these "work addicts" work overtime, all the time. For some people, work stress increases so much that it leads to burnout. Now, not all Americans are workaholics. But most hard-working people find it a challenge to balance work with other responsibilities.


⊙ Word Bank
  workaholic (n)  工作狂
  burnout (n)  累垮;心力交瘁
  responsibility (n)  責任 
 Work Ethic 美國人的工作道德(Part 7 of 7)

Sometimes Americans, like most people, think that all their blessings are the fruit of their own labors. The Thanksgiving season is a good time to remember that many of life's blessings are actually gifts—including the opportunity to work. The early settlers worked hard, but they also gave God thanks for His provision and protection. And even though the little red hen had to do all the work herself, she has a lot to be thankful for, especially at Thanksgiving. At least she's not a turkey.


⊙ Word Bank
  provision (n)  供應;準備
Remember not to turn on the TV until after you finish all your homework.

 Don't get up from the table until you are done eating.

 Let's do something fun outside, like taking a walk, or riding bikes.

You can decide what we eat tonight.

 Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.

 Make sure you drink eight glasses of water daily.

 Smoking is bad for your skin.


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