目前分類:英語 (23)

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Tips on Handling Stress 處理壓力的訣竅(part 1 of 7)

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Cooling Down Conflict 冷靜化解衝突(part 1 of 6)

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On-the-Job Training 在職訓練(part 1 of 6)

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Moving Up in the World 突破工作瓶頸(part 1 of 6)

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The Quest for Quality 追求品質(part 1 of 6)

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The Importance of People Skills 人際手腕的重要(Part 1 of 6)

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Welcome Aboard! 歡迎加入(Part 1 of 5)

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How to Write a Winning Résumé 致勝的履歷表(Part 1 of 4)
Tired of your job and looking for a new one? Or maybe you recently graduated from college and are looking for your first employment. The key to getting the job you want is your résumé. Here's how to write a winning one:

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Life and Language (West)(Part 1 of 12)

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Life and Language (Midwest)(Part 1 of 10)

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Life and Language (South) (Part 1 of 12)

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Life and Language (North) 美國人的生活及語言—北部(Part 1 of 10)

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Business 美國的企業文化(Part 1 of 8)
American business is fairly straightforward. Like this memo, it has no hidden agendas. Rather, it puts everything out on the table—what you see is what you get. If this direct approach makes you uncomfortable, I'm sorry, but we might as well be up-front about things. I'm here to tell you about American business, and you're here to learn. Any questions so far?

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The American Dream 美國夢(Part 1 of 12)

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Religion 美國宗教(Part 1 of 12)

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Work Ethic 美國人的工作道德(Part 1 of 7)

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Self-reliance 美國人獨立自主的特性(Part 1 of 7)

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Humor 美式幽默(Part 1 of 8)

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Folk Tales 美國的民間傳說(Part 1 of 8)

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Folk Tales 美國的民間傳說(Part 1 of 8)

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