Life and Language (West)(Part 1 of 12)


Mention America's West to Sarah Ann McIntosh, and her face lights up like a jack-o-lantern. She becomes animated when talking about one of the largest, most diverse regions in the United States. "Wide open spaces. Cowboys. Movies. Music. Computer chips. Tacos. Espresso stands," she says in rapid succession. "Beautiful people. Surfers. Mountain men. Buffaloes. Las Vegas strip. Blizzards. Icebergs."


⊙ Word Bank
  jack-o-lantern (n) 南瓜燈

 Life and Language (West)(Part 2 of 12)


As Ms. McIntosh shows, the West covers a vast expanse—not only the Pacific and Rocky Mountain states, but Alaska as well. It is a territory that has held a mythical appeal for centuries and comprises what many consider America's last frontier. For many, the American West is an idea, a promise, a seed of hope. Henry David Thoreau once wrote: "Eastward I go only by force; westward I go free."


 Life and Language (West)(Part 3 of 12)


In the 1800s, Horace Greeley exhorted his countrymen to "Go west," and millions took up his call. The stoic individuals who ventured to the frontier were reverently referred to as pioneers, individuals who embodied the true character of the nation.


⊙ Word Bank
  exhort (v)  勸告;勸誡

Life and Language (West)(Part 4 of 12)


Perhaps more than any other region of the United States, the West retains this legacy and still appeals to pioneering souls who want to gamble with their future—whether they visit Las Vegas or not. The city in fact was built on the roll of the dice—and the promise of better things to come in the future.


⊙ Word Bank
  legacy (n)  傳承自祖先之物
  roll of the dice (n phr) 擲骰子,意指隨機 

 Life and Language (West)(Part 5 of 12)


The West today continues to be a magnet for immigrants and travelers alike. The pioneer days are gone, of course, but when it comes to language, the past is still very much evident in the present. The region became a hodgepodge of languages and dialects, some from the East, some from the South and some from other countries entirely.


⊙ Word Bank
  hodgepodge (n)  大雜燴

 Life and Language (West)(Part 6 of 12)


Spanish words and phrases crept into the language of the West, eventually entering the American language mainstream. Terms such as canyon, plaza, sombrero, patio, burro, stampede, rodeo, bonanza and pronto all trace their origins to the Spaniards who owned the Southwest before the Americans did.


 Life and Language (West)(Part 7 of 12)


The days of the "Wild, Wild West" also contributed to language in the western regions. Words and phrases like bogus, rip-roaring, joint (as in a place to gather with friends), gunplay, hold up and caught between a rock and a hard place came into the English language when life in the West was wild and peopled with outlaws, sheriffs and cowboys.


⊙ Word Bank
  people (v)  居住於

 Life and Language (West)(Part 8 of 12)


Hollywood greatly contributed to the cowboy culture and the cowboy legend as well. The producers and directors who churned out the Western flicks would have everyone believe that the West was filled mostly with cowboys, when in fact farmers outnumbered them almost 1,000 to one. Terms such as bounty hunter, gunslinger and to have an itchy trigger finger came from the pens of Hollywood scriptwriters rather than the dusty cattle drives.


 Life and Language (West)(Part 9 of 12)


Outside Hollywood, California itself is an incubator of American slang, producing phrases such as bodacious, awesome and many more. The state's Silicon Valley also contributed to English's high tech lingo: software, hardware and megabyte. And as the computer age has just begun, more are surely on the way.


⊙ Word Bank
  incubator (n)  培養器

 Life and Language (West)(Part 10 of 12)


No discussion of the West would be complete without mention of food. Words for foods of immigrant cultures can now be found in many grocery stores. Typical American housewives can buy pesto, tomatillos, focaccia, bok choy and tofu. As un-American as these may sound, foods such as these appear more and more often in dishes on menus in restaurants, particularly in California and the Pacific Northwest.


 Life and Language (West)(Part 11 of 12)


Chefs blur cultural lines by adding new ingredients to old stand-bys. Mexican cuisine, including tacos, enchiladas and burritos are now being blended with Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese and other influences to create new delicacies for Western gourmands.


⊙ Word Bank
  delicacy (n)  佳餚
  gourmand (n)  美食者

Life and Language (West)(Part 12 of 12)


As in every area of the United States, language and culture of the West ebb and flow as society changes. Whether it's new groups of people adding their individual characteristics to the linguistic melting pot or Hollywood, popular novelists, and technological advances changing the lexicon, English continues to change. And as language changes, America changes with it.


⊙ Word Bank
  ebb and flow (n phr) 如潮汐變化,時漲時落
  lexicon (n)  詞彙 

We can either take the bus or the MRT.


Can I have a non-smoking table by the window please?


 I'm going to the restroom to wash my hands.


What are your specials today?


I have a reservation for four people.


Can you prepare this dish without MSG?


 We would like two orders of stir-fried vegetables.


 You don't need to rush through your meal. We have lots of time.


 I'm so full; can you finish this for me?


Can I please have another set of chopsticks?


 If I send Cindy a dozen roses, do you think she'll get the message that I'm in love with her?


 I really like that dish. Let's order another one.




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