Life and Language (South) (Part 1 of 12)


Visiting the southern United States drives Frank Castillo crazy. The New Yorker becomes exasperated when Southern drivers stop and let a half dozen or more cars enter their lane. "I could see letting one car in, maybe, but six?" laments Castillo. "People in the South are too polite—even when they talk. It's always 'Yes, sir,' or 'No, ma'am.' The South is a whole different world."


⊙ Word Bank
  exasperated (adj)  激怒的;惱火的

 Life and Language (South) (Part 2 of 12)


It certainly is. When people in the United States speak about the north or the west, they typically mean a direction. But when people converse about the South, they're talking about a state of mind. A land of good manners, mint juleps, country music, grits, and biscuits and gravy, it is a place where things slow down—way down. And to many, the South stands out as one of the most charming places in the country.


⊙ Word Bank
  mint julep (n phr) 薄荷酒

 Life and Language (South) (Part 3 of 12)


Humorist Mark Twain once said that a Southerner "talks music," referring to the speech patterns of those south of the Mason-Dixon line. They converse s-l-o-w-l-y, actually waiting until the other person has finished speaking before responding. "Southerners tend to allow a slightly longer pause between the turns in a conversation, when one person stops talking and another starts," adds Bill Kretzschmar, director of the linguistics program at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia. "In the North there is a shorter pause, so conversations tend to go back and forth perceptibly faster."

幽默大師馬克‧吐溫曾說南方人「出口成樂」,所指的就是在美國昔日南北分界線——Mason-Dixon Line 以南之人們的談話模式。他們說話時慢條斯理,直等對方談話告一段落後,才開始答腔。美國喬治亞州雅典市的喬治亞大學語言學系系主任——比爾‧克茲馬爾補充說:「南方人交談時,習慣在對方說完話後,停頓較長時間,才開始說話。在北方,此一停頓時間較短,因此交談時,對應的往來就明顯地較快。」

⊙ Word Bank
  Mason-Dixon line (n phr) 美國昔日之南北分界線,於Pennsylvania與Maryland 之間
  perceptibly (adv)  明顯地;顯而易見地

 Life and Language (South) (Part 4 of 12)


By far the most talked-about speech characteristic of Southerners is their drawl. But there isn't a universal one. A Virginia accent differs distinctly from the slow drawl of South Carolina. Those from Alabama and Louisiana both draw out their vowels, but they sound completely different. Even the pronunciation of a place name can differ depending on where you are. Beaufort, North Carolina, is pronounced "Bo-fort" while several hundred miles away, Beaufort, South Carolina, is referred to as "Bew-fort."


Life and Language (South) (Part 5 of 12)


What is universal in the South is the occurrence of words such as y'all, a version of you all. "It is simply a way of talking," explains Kretzschmar. "It's y'all in the South vs. youse in some Northern cities. Then you have you'uns in North Carolina Appalachia vs. you guys informally as the third-person-plural pronoun in other parts of the country."

南方統一使用的單字有y'all,也即you all(各位)的另一種說法。克茲馬爾解釋說:「這只是一種說話方式。南方人說y'all,正如一些北方城市的人說youse。同時在北卡的阿帕拉契山區人們會說you'uns,正如其他地區的人使用you guys 這非正式稱呼,來代表第三人稱複數的代名詞。」  

Life and Language (South) (Part 6 of 12)


Those polite turns of phrase that Frank Castillo noticed are also universal. Southerners are unfailingly polite, having learned to say "ma'am" and "sir" when they were toddlers. Not only that, but the Southern vernacular is replete with courtesies like "if you please" and "thank you kindly" or just "preciate it." They strongly believe that "you don't have to like anyone if you don't want to, but you do have to be polite."

法蘭克‧卡斯提歐所注意到的那些禮貌用語極為普遍。南方人的禮貌周到是不容置疑的;他們從小就學會稱呼「女士」和「先生」。不僅如此,南方的方言也是充滿了謙恭的語詞,例如:if you please(請,如何)、thank you kindly(至誠感激)或是簡單的preciate it(感激)等。南方人堅信:「你不必強迫自己去喜歡某一個人;但是,你必須要有禮貌。」

⊙ Word Bank
  vernacular (n)  地方話;日常語

 Life and Language (South) (Part 7 of 12)


Chivalry hasn't succumbed to women's liberation the way it has in other parts of the country. Men still treat ladies with care and respect, giving up their seats on subways and buses and opening doors for them. Maybe as a result, ladies—who are never referred to as "women" by real Southern gentlemen—still retain the famed "Southern belle" image. You'll rarely see members of the female population out in public dressed in sloppy clothes, and sales of make-up in the South are the highest in the country.


⊙ Word Bank
  chivalry (n)  騎士精神(體貼婦女,扶助弱者);俠氣
  succumb (v)  屈服;(因...)死亡

 Life and Language (South) (Part 8 of 12)


To hear Southerners tell it, Southern ladies have a corner on the market for beauty. For evidence, they point to their outstanding track record at national beauty contests. Indeed, Ann Barrett Batson, who has written a book on Southern culture, comments that "life down South is one continuous beauty pageant."


⊙ Word Bank
  beauty pageant (n phr) 選美會

Life and Language (South) (Part 9 of 12)


Although Southern belles and Southern gentlemen still populate the South as they did in the 1800s, the South of today is far from the picture painted in the epic movie Gone With the Wind. The huge plantations where black slaves picked cotton by hand disappeared after the Civil War.


 Life and Language (South) (Part 10 of 12)


The "War between the States" deeply affected the South, leaving behind proud memories— and uneasy race relations. What has remained constant throughout the years, however, is an unencumbered way of life: the importance of family, getting together with friends and extending that all-important Southern hospitality to neighbors and strangers alike.


⊙ Word Bank
  unencumbered (adj)  不受到妨礙的;不為所動的

Life and Language (South) (Part 11 of 12)


This famous hospitality may spring from the strong Christian faith of most Southerners. The Bible calls upon Christians to love their neighbors and to reach out to strangers. Southern businesses often close on Sundays—particularly in rural areas—and folks may attend church several times a week. The church serves as a focal point of social activities, too. The strong ties to religion have earned the region the moniker of "the Bible Belt."


⊙ Word Bank
  moniker (n)  綽號

 Life and Language (South) (Part 12 of 12)


Jokes abound that poke fun at Southerners and their ways, but Southerners say those who make jokes about their land are just jealous. A popular bumper sticker says it all: "American by birth, Southern by the grace of God."


⊙ Word Bank
  poke fun at someone (v phr) 嘲弄或嘲笑某人

 Let's open a window and let in some fresh air.


 The sky is so clear today. I can see the mountains.


 After all that fresh air, we should sleep well tonight!


 Put your plants in a sunny window so they don't die.


 Fall is my favorite time of the year.


 You'd better zip up your jacket so you don't catch a cold.


 I need to shop for some warm slacks.


 It's time to unpack your heavy clothes.


 I don't want to stay indoors all day.


This is good weather to get some exercise.


 Let's walk to the store instead of taking the bus.


  Some of the stores still have summer clothes on clearance.


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