Folk Tales 美國的民間傳說(Part 1 of 8)

In the world of American folk tales, almost anything can happen: A cowboy rides a tornado without a saddle. A huge lumberjack digs the Great Lakes to give his giant blue ox drinking water. A rabbit's big mouth gets him stuck in a bunch of tar. Sometimes, though, this world seems more like real life: A young farmer plants apple trees everywhere he goes. A man wins a race against a machine. Above all, this fantasy world finds people struggling against circumstances— and winning.


⊙ Word Bank
  tornado (n)  龍捲風;颶風
  saddle (n)  馬鞍
  tar (n)  黑油;焦油
Folk Tales 美國的民間傳說(Part 2 of 8)

Tall tales, extraordinary tales of ordinary people and events, sprang from the days of the American pioneers. As the early settlers faced a rugged environment, they told stories of superhuman heroes. Paul Bunyan was a giant lumberjack who helped settle the Northwestern Territory. Bunyan could cut down a whole forest in less than an hour. His giant blue ox, Babe, could carry off the logs in one load.

We should go to the park today and get some exercise.


Even if it's Sunday, you shouldn't sleep in so late.



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