In the cartoon movie An American Tail, a Russian mouse named Fievel embarks on a journey to America. Along with scores of other mice "immigrants" from other countries, Fievel and his family board a ship that will take them to their new home.
在「美國鼠譚」(An American Tail)這部卡通影片裡,一隻來自俄羅斯名叫菲佛的老鼠,啟程前往美國。菲佛以和家人,連同許多來自其他國家的老鼠移民,坐著輪船,前往它們的新家園。
⊙ Word Bank
embark (v) 乘船;啟程
scores (n pl) 許多
The American Dream 美國夢(Part 2 of 12)
During their long ocean voyage, the mice talk excitedly about making a new home in the "land of opportunity." They express their confidence and hope about this new land in a jubilant chorus: "There are NO CATS in America!" This chorus captures the essence of the American Dream. Not that Americans hate cats, but that they long for a place of freedom and safety—a place where every dream can be fulfilled.
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the American Dream (n phr) 美國夢
The American Dream 美國夢(Part 3 of 12)
For most Americans, the American Dream describes their concept of "the good life." In the past, it meant having your own land or starting your own business. In recent times, the American Dream has involved material possessions and a comfortable lifestyle: a beautiful home with a well manicured yard, a fancy car (or two) and plenty of time for leisure activities.
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manicure (v) 修剪
The American Dream 美國夢(Part 4 of 12)
The American Dream represents the fulfillment of the "pursuit of happiness," which the Declaration of Independence asserted to be one of man's "inalienable rights." In short, the American Dream is enjoying the best life has to offer.
⊙ Word Bank
inalienable (adj) 不可剝奪的
The American Dream 美國夢(Part 5 of 12)
The idea of the American Dream has sprung from a number of historical sources. Over 300 years ago, settlers brought with them a vision of religious freedom and economic opportunity. The Puritans even saw the New World as their "promised land"—a land which "flowed with milk and honey."
The American Dream 美國夢(Part 6 of 12)
The democratic system of government later established in America furthered the Dream with its emphasis on personal freedom and individual rights. As Americans pushed westward on the continent, they developed a pioneer spirit and a belief that they could accomplish anything they set out to do. The vast natural resources on the American continent contributed to the notion that there was plenty to go around for everyone.
The American Dream 美國夢(Part 7 of 12)
As a result, for hundreds of years, immigrants have viewed America as the place where one's dreams can be realized. Some immigrants have actually believed that they would find streets paved with gold in America. It is doubtful whether any of them found golden streets, but time after time their dreams for success did come true.
The American Dream 美國夢(Part 8 of 12)
As in the "rags-to-riches" stories popularized by 19th-century writer Horatio Alger, many people with humble backgrounds have achieved remarkable success. For example, Abraham Lincoln grew up in a poor family, received only a rudimentary education, and experienced numerous failures, but he overcame these obstacles and became president of the United States. Nevertheless, the American Dream has not become a reality for everyone. In some cases—like Fievel's—it has proven to be only a pipe dream.
⊙ Word Bank
rudimentary (adj) 基本的
pipe dream (n phr) 幻想;妄想
The American Dream 美國夢(Part 9 of 12)
Despite their belief that "there are NO CATS in America," Fievel and his mouse-friends had to contend with some very BIG cats when they arrived. Similarly, in real life, some people have faced major obstacles as they pursued the American Dream. Immigrants have not always found a warm welcome in America. Political and economic conditions have at times severely limited their opportunities for advancement.
⊙ Word Bank
contend (v) 爭鬥;競爭
The American Dream 美國夢(Part 10 of 12)
Some groups that were not immigrants in the truest sense, such as blacks and native Americans, have also suffered discrimination. Moreover, Americans in general have sometimes found the American Dream to be just "pie in the sky" as they struggle to get by. But amazingly enough, while the American Dream hasn't come true for everyone, a 1986 study by the Roper Organization revealed that 86 percent of Americans still believe in it.
有些人雖非真正的移民,例如黑人與原住民,但也遭受歧視。一般為日常生活打拼的美國人,也時常會認為美國夢只是一個虛幻的承諾。雖然並非每人都能實現美國夢,但羅保機構(Roper Organization)在一九八六年所做的研究,卻令人意外地顯示,仍有86%的美國民眾相信美國夢。
The American Dream 美國夢(Part 11 of 12)
In recent years, beliefs about the American Dream may have begun to change. Baby boomers, for instance, see the American Dream more in terms of being true to yourself and staying healthy than having a big house and a successful job.
⊙ Word Bank
baby boomer (n phr) 二次世界大戰以後,嬰兒潮時出生的人們
The American Dream 美國夢(Part 12 of 12)
Most Americans, boomers or otherwise, believe the American Dream means being comfortably well-off and enjoying their lives. They realize the American Dream does not guarantee wealth and happiness, but it does offer people the opportunity to work toward their goals. And as for their prospects of achieving them, well, most people think their chances are pretty good. Even if there are cats in America.
⊙ Word Bank
prospect (n) 展望;期望
Lip balm is a must.
Think good thoughts.
Your imperfections make you beautiful and give you character.
Dark skin is beautiful.
Beauty is as beauty does, which means it is more important to do good than to look good.
Let's go to the park this afternoon to get some exercise.
I wish there were a cut-and-dried solution to this problem. Then it would be easier to solve.
Don't bother Gina. She's a bit high-strung today.
After delivering her speech, Mindy was standing tall for weeks.
I just bought a new novel. Do you want to take a gander at it?
If you want Mike to pay you back, you'll have to squeeze the money out of him.
Thanks a bunch for helping me with my homework, Dad.